Front page » Who we work with » Pharmaceutical companies 

Working closely with pharmaceutical companies to maximize the value of innovations

NHG leads the way in value-based healthcare, offering tailored services for the life science industry. With deep partnerships in healthcare systems and expertise in data science, health economics, digitalization, and user centered design, we unlock innovation’s full potential for pharmaceutical companies. 

NHG is committed to shaping a future where patients receive proactive treatment, care is delivered efficiently, and both patients and healthcare professionals feel valued. We seek to drive positive change and maximize the impact of pharmaceutical innovations. Together, we are shaping a healthcare ecosystem where every patient receives the care they deserve, leading to improved outcomes and a more sustainable future for all. 

By combining advanced service design skills with data expertise, we leverage our knowledge of the Nordic region’s healthcare and social systems to deepen collaboration across a range of stakeholders from clinicians to patients.


We develop key insights into the characteristics of relevant patient populations, current treatment practices, treatment costs, and outcomes. 

Together, this supports the challenge of integrating new treatments into existing patient pathways by making current unmet needs visible, and by identifying patients that are benefiting from new treatments. 

Our real-world evidence (RWE) and market research services help our clients to stay ahead of the competition. We deepen our clients understanding of the patient population and its unmet needs – as well as current treatments and factors affecting treatment decisions. 

Our advanced analytical capabilities and unique understanding of the healthcare market is further supported by our ability to access and identify relevant information and data across local, national, and international sources.

Our scientific experts help you to research and formulate the added value of your healthcare innovation to both internal and external stakeholders.

Our diverse range of advanced knowledge and expertise – along with our long-term relationships with hospitals and other relevant organizations – enable us to extract and analyse data that supports all aspects of life science processes with evidence-based information. 

Our team of researchers can build and analyse complex data models, leveraging the latest methodologies to deliver deep insights and actionable recommendations. 

With our extensive experience in the healthcare industry and our customer-focused approach, we help our clients unlock the full potential of their products and services. 

We increase your ability to make data-driven decisions that lead to improved outcomes. In connection to this we also deliver scientific publications to support your internal and external communications. Our insights inspire healthcare professionals to change the way they treat their patients.

We offer guidance and support to life science companies in navigating the complex market access landscape. 

Market entry challenges are directly reflected in lost opportunities for healthcare professionals to better care for their patients, and in limited patient care options.

We have successfully helped our customers to promptly gain access via our vast expertise in value demonstration.

With our comprehensive understanding of the healthcare system and in-depth knowledge of payer requirements, we help our clients accelerate market access for their products and more effectively support outcomes-based healthcare. 

Our services include: 

  • Reimbursement submissions and supporting payer negotiations. 
  • Economic model building and adaptation. 
  • Market entry agreements (MEAs) and related post-launch evidence (PLEG) collection from healthcare registries. 
  • Data-driven decisions and real-world evidence (RWE) register studies.  
  • Value demonstration tools to quantify and showcase the benefits and cost-effectiveness of a product or service. 

Our comprehensive market access solutions ensure successful commercial launches, incorporating expertly crafted value dossiers, payer insights, and high-quality health economic models to optimize pricing and access strategies across EU markets.

We support our life science clients in collecting and measuring patient experiences in the following ways:  

  • By supporting the transition toward more patient-centered approaches.  
  • By creating meaningful value-based healthcare models.  
  • By developing products, services, and care models that meet patients’ needs. 
  • By helping fulfil all regulatory expectations.  

We help our clients measure patient experience using various methods and approaches. These include conducting surveys, engaging patients via one-to-one or group interviews, observing patient-provider interactions and care processes, collecting patient reported outcome measures (PROs) and collecting continue feedback. Our areas of particular focus include: 

  • Patient experience research (qualitative and quantitative) 
  • Patient organization engagement  
  • Patient and treatment pathway mapping  
  • Patient experience measurement  

We help our customers understand patient journeys holistically. Our behavioural science experts study patient preferences, experiences, and outcome data from patient groups across the Nordics.

Our strong understanding of patients’ viewpoints and experiences helps you ensure that your product is implemented in a truly patient-centered way.

In addition, we facilitate co-creation sessions within a multi-stakeholder setting to ideate the most effective future solutions, roles, and responsibilities. 

All patient journey work is documented and published for its use in cost and reimbursement negotiations, cross-functional team collaborations, and bringing value to the patient and caregiver communities. 

Concrete and measurable results include: 

  • Patient experience study publications and white papers  
  • Research results used in dossiers, solution creation, process development, HCP engagement and digital strategy.  

We help our customers to navigate the entire digital product development process – internally, or with value based partners.

We support you in creating and implementing the most effective and user-friendly digital healthcare technologies.

Digital product development requires a diverse skill set, including software development, user experience design, data analytics, and regulatory compliance. Pharmaceutical companies can leverage NHG teams to augment their in-house capabilities during peak periods or for specialized projects without the need for long-term commitments or hiring additional staff.

We have established processes, tools, and methodologies to streamline digital product development and deployment, reducing time-to-market for new solutions. 

Our services include:  

  • Digital strategy  
  • Digital landscape analyses 
  • User research (Patient & HCP)  
  • User engagement strategies  
  • UI/ UX design 
  • Prototype design and testing  
  • Pilot research  
  • Continues user feedback and product development  
  • Visual identity  
  • Value demonstration  
  • Regulatory consulting  

We offer guidance and support for VBHC strategies and implementations. 

Not being able to prove the value of interventions in real world setting can be costly, as are having only limited visibility of cost components and the connection to patients’ experienced value of health services.

Our expertise in planning, building and implementing VBHC strategies supports you in your journey to become the most value-based player in the market.

We support our life science clients in forming value-based partnerships with Nordic and other European hospitals to collect and utilize outcomes for clinical, management, and research purposes. 

As a partner of the global value-based healthcare implementation organisation – the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement (ICHOM) – we have extensive know-how in VHBC strategy, outcome measures, data collection, patient engagement, data visualization, and agile implementation. 

In addition, we accelerate the development of PRO solutions that are desired by users and that effectively drive for behavioural change. 

We deliver data on patient outcomes, visualizations of the outcomes and costs to support healthcare providers in decision making. We build tools to provide continuous support for value-based management beyond the implementation.

Changes in market dynamics, such as shifts in consumer preferences, competitive pressures, and healthcare trends, require pharmaceutical companies to adapt quickly. 

Our Re- and upskilling services include:  

  • Design Thinking – user centered approach  
  • Fostering a creative, collaborative culture  
  • Market insights and trends  
  • Providing an impact value framework  
  • Presenting workshop series’ for designing innovative market access approaches  
  • Offering value-based healthcare – from words to action  
  • Future manufacturers – from the bottom up approach  
  • Accelerating Digital transformation  
  • Offering design sprints and workshops 
  • Providing insights to healthcare providers and decision makers 
  • Real-World Evidence utilization 
  • Mapping implications of current political, social, and environmental issues  

We help our customers to achieve their goals through workshops and events with structured, innovative, and well-proven facilitation methods.

Our unique knowledge combining healthcare, social care, research and digitalization is within your grasp through our extensive trainings. 

We offer relevant training delivered by top experts in the field of health and social care. 

We inform our customers on the latest trends, research, insights, data, and partnership possibilities. 

We support your experts in gaining the latest, most relevant expertise in the field of health, from design and marketing to research and digital transformation. Through our support in expanding and updating your experts’ knowledge you can ensure your organization’s competitive edge.

NHG’s collaboration with DataKit and teams of content and graphic designers ensures that plans, actions, messages, value propositions, and materials are meaningful and easy to understand, and bring measurable value.

We help you to focus your marketing on the most efficient and creative actions – scientifically backed and tailormade to fit your brand and strategy.