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Public sector and policymakers – support health care system reform and build capacity

We specialize in supporting policymakers, advocates, and decision makers, as well as patient and citizen organizations, to ensure implementation of value based and impactful social and health policies. Our expertise lies in facilitating the implementation of health policies, healthcare system reform, and social and health care programs, and supporting expansion of social and health care solutions on a larger scale in ways that create a lasting impact. 

In the pursuit of future healthcare, we envision a system where every individual receives equitable and value-based services and care, ensuring that health outcomes are determined by the needs of the whole society. This promise is grounded in a commitment to foster inclusivity, innovation, and accessibility, and in creating a healthcare landscape that maximizes impact and improves the lives of everyone. At NHG we support policymakers on all levels; global, ministerial, and municipal, to take on challenges of the future and create reform. We help policymakers, advocates, and citizens make evidence-based policy and funding decisions. By applying our technical expertise, we support the advancement of evidence-based policies. We bring together different stakeholders to ensure and validate strategies. 

Our work can be strategic – to investigate and define needs and policies for the future, as well as operative – where we support concrete implementation of reform or change in response to communities’ health priorities.

We are experienced experts in helping our clients and partners to develop and implement evidence-based policies, make better use of data, navigate regulatory hurdles, shape markets for new solutions that improve health and wellbeing, and design impactful systems to implement and scale improvements. 


Our approach is built on a commitment to integrate the latest scientific findings to shape policy and support policy recommendations. We to provide strategic advice to navigate the evolving regulatory, monetary, political, and policy landscapes.  

We promote better health with established research and service design methodologies that support preventive solutions, healthy lifestyles, disease and injury research, and that detect, prevent and respond to infectious diseases. 

By leveraging advanced analytics, we can help empower policymakers to allocate resources strategically, implement targeted interventions, and design proactive and preventive health policies aimed at preventing disease transmission and promoting of population health. Our data management team includes PhDs in advanced analytics and health data scientists. We can analyze large sets of data, train and test predictive models with attention to transparency, equity and ethical questions. Our knowledgeable deployment of AI technologies ensures that preventive efforts benefit all communities equitably while safeguarding privacy and data security.

We support structural adjustments and/or reforms on global, national, and local levels to enhance public health and the efficiency, resilience, and sustainability of health systems, while guaranteeing equitable access to quality services. 

Our experienced team includes data scientists, health economists, public health specialists, organizational behaviorists, and service designers. Together with our pool of senior clinical advisors we support policy makers such as ministries in drafting strategies for reform, including legislative changes and guidelines. We support implementation of reform and are experienced in using established frameworks and methods for scaling solutions, innovations and and digital interventions.

We conduct trend and market research with established methods that support the accurate scoping of healthcare reforms and the development and scaling of specific healthcare solutions and interventions. Our approach is tailored to understanding consumer behavior, industry dynamics, and emerging patterns. These methods include surveys, focus group discussions, interviews, and observational studies, to gather qualitative insights and/or quantitative techniques including data analysis, statistical modeling, and trend forecasting, that provide numerical validation and predictive power. Combining both qualitative and quantitative methodologies ensures a comprehensive understanding of healthcare trends and mega trends.

Capacity building is at the core of the NHG mission. We plan all our projects with long term impact, sustainability, and capacity building in mind. The healthcare sector and operating environment is constantly evolving, with continuous legislative and regulatory changes as well as rapid advances in the use of data and new technologies. Our team is at the forefront of these changes and want to create and share the latest knowledge with our partners. We design and deliver training programs tailored to the needs of healthcare professionals, and we facilitate workshops and seminars across a range of relevant, current topics within the healthcare industry. We can offer resources and tools for ongoing learning and development, particularly those related to health data analytics, information management, and decision support. Our team is also experienced in monitoring and evaluating programs’ effectiveness and impact – using quantitative and qualitative methods to ensure desired outcomes are achieved.  


We provide expert advice on integrating sustainability considerations and lifecycle analysis into policy frameworks and strategies, ensuring that healthcare practices follow the do-no-harm principle and contribute to the UN sustainable development goals.  

We can support policy makers as well as healthcare providers with:  

  • Sustainable procurement guidance: Aligning purchasing policies and principles with sustainable practices. 
  • Energy efficiency: Calculating and identifying opportunities to reduce carbon footprint in healthcare processes and facilities. 
  • Lifecycle analysis: We can conduct lifecycle analysis for healthcare interventions. 
  • Waste management strategies: Implementing recycling and reduction programs to minimize healthcare waste. 
  • Green infrastructure planning: Advising on the design of sustainable healthcare buildings. 

Our services extend beyond immediate environmental concerns, shaping policies that both protect patient health and also the planet’s future, encompassing social and economic dimensions to ensure a holistic approach to sustainability in healthcare. 

Our research and public health team works with partners across the globe to address health disparities on a global scale. We conduct data driven collaborative research and analysis aimed at improving health outcomes worldwide. We also work to create and manage multidisciplinary and cross-cultural networks and working groups to tackle global health challenges.