Front page » Who we work with

We got you covered

We work with health and social care organisations as well as life sciences companies across Europe and beyond.

Clients we serve

Pharmaceutical companies

NHG leads the way in value-based healthcare, offering tailored services for the life science industry. With deep partnerships in healthcare systems and expertise in data science, health economics, digitalization, and user centered design, we unlock innovation’s full potential for pharmaceutical companies. 

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Medtech companies who partner with NHG can fully realize their business potential by ensuring the value of their offering is fully understood in every customer interaction converting engagement into market leadership.

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We are leaders in raising the quality and efficiency of hospitals in the Nordic and Baltic countries – and beyond – by focusing on improving processes, patient safety, resource allocation, digital innovation, cost-savings, and functional planning.

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NHG provides best-in-class investment decision support for private equity, venture capital, and real-estate investors in all health and social care segments throughout the Nordics and the wider European market.

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Research partners

We are your partner in international and multidisciplinary research and innovation projects where healthcare challenges are being solved.

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Public health and policy

We specialize in supporting policymakers, advocates, and decision makers, as well as patient and citizen organizations, to ensure implementation of value based and impactful social and health policies. Our expertise lies in facilitating the implementation of health policies, healthcare system reform, and social and health care programs, and supporting expansion of social and health care solutions on a larger scale in ways that create a lasting impact. 

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