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Chen, A., Väyrynen, K., Leskelä, R-L., Torkki, P., Heinonen, S., Tekay, A., & Acharya, G. (2023). The acceptability of implementing patient-reported measures in routine maternity care: A systematic review. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 102(4), 406-419. Advance online publication.

Haltia, O., Vesinurm, M., Leskelä, R-L., Rahko, E., Tyynelä-Korhonen, K., Lehto, J. T., Saarto, T., & Akrén, O. M. (2023). The effect of palliative outpatient units on resource use for cancer patients in Finland. Acta Oncologica, 62(9), 1118-1123. Advance online publication.

Hynninen, Y., Voltti, S., Sormunen, M., Nihtilä, A., Siukosaari, P., Koukkula, L., & Leskelä, R-L. (2023). Oral Health Outcome Measures: A Feasibility Evaluation. International Dental Journal, 73(5), 685-691.

Leskelä, R-L., Haavisto, I., Pennanen, P., Lahelma, M., Mattson, J., & Poikonen-Saksela, P. (2023). Predictive factors for prolonged sick leave in breast cancer patients treated with adjuvant therapies: a retrospective registry study. Acta Oncologica, 62(10), 1331-1337.

Leskelä, R-L., Korhonen, S., Haavisto, I., Nuutinen, M., Peltonen, E., Herse, F., Käkelä, S., Autere, A. M., Nolvi, K., Tiainen, S., Silvoniemi, M., Junnila, E. L., Ahvonen, J., Knuuttila, A., & Koivunen, J. (2023). Trends in cost of treatment of lung cancer patients in 2014–2019 in Finland: –a descriptive register study. Acta Oncologica, 62(6), 587-593.

Mattila, T., Vasankari, T., Herse, F., Leskelä, R-L., Erhola, M., Avellan-Hietanen, H., Toppila-Salmi, S., & Haahtela, T. M. K. (2023). Contrasting healthcare costs of COPD and asthma in elderly. Respiratory Medicine, 220, Article 107477.

Nåhls, N-S., Leskelä, R-L., Saarto, T., Hirvonen, O., & Anttonen, A. (2023). Effect of palliative care decisions making on hospital service use at end-of-life in patients with malignant brain tumors: a retrospective study. BMC Palliative Care, 22(1), 39.

Nuutinen, M., & Leskelä, R-L. (2023). Systematic review of the performance evaluation of clinicians with or without the aid of machine learning clinical decision support system. Health and technology, 13(4), 557–570.

Nuutinen, M., Hiltunen, A-M., Korhonen, S., Haavisto, I., Poikonen-Saksela, P., Mattson, J., Manikis, G., Kondylakis, H., Simos, P., Mazzocco, K., Pat-Horenczyk, R., Sousa, B., Cardoso, F., Manica, I., Kudel, I., & Leskelä, R-L. (2023). Aid of a machine learning algorithm can improve clinician predictions of patient quality of life during breast cancer treatments. Health and technology, 13(2), 229–244.

Summanen, M., Kosunen, M., Kainu, V., Cansel, A., Niskanen, S., Nurmi, L., Leskelä, R-L., & Isomeri, O. (2023). COVID-19 hospitalisations and all-cause mortality by risk group in Finland. PloS one, 18(5), e0286142.

Torkki, P., Leskelä, R-L., Mustonen, P., Linna, M., & Lillrank, P. (2023). How to extend value-based healthcare to population-based healthcare systems? Defining an outcome-based segmentation model for health authority. BMJ open, 13(11), e077250.

Väyrynen, K., Chen, A., Leskelä, R-L., Raussi-Lehto, E., Klemetti, R., Heinonen, S., Torkki, P., & Tekay, A. (2023). Introducing standard patient-reported measures (PRMs) into routine maternity care : A pre-implementation qualitative study on women’s perspectives in Finland. BMC Health Services Research, 23(1), 1-16, 845.


Chen, A., Väyrynen, K., Schmidt, A., Leskelä, R-L., Torkki, P., Heinonen, S., Tekay, A., & Acharya, G. (2022). The impact of implementing patient-reported measures in routine maternity care: a systematic review. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 101(11), 1184-1196.

Haavisto, I., Uimonen, T., Karvinen, S., Kachali, H., & Leskelä, R-L. (2022). Case study: Swedish COVID-19 first wave response in European context. In:  Shultz C-J., Rahtz D-R. & Sirgy M-J. (Ed.). Community, Economy and Covid-19: Lessons from Multi-Country Analyses of a Global Pandemic. Springer 2022. p. 489-503. ISBN: 978-3-030-98151-8.

Hemming-Harlo, M., Gylling, A., Herse, F., Haavisto, I., Nuutinen, M., Pasternack, M., Kanibir, M. N., Hartwig, S., & Carias, C. (2022). Long-term surveillance of rotavirus vaccination after implementation of a national immunization program in Finland (2008-2018). Vaccine, 40(29), 3942-3947.

Kachali, H., Haavisto, I., Leskelä, R. L., Väljä, A., & Nuutinen, M. (2022). Are preparedness indices reflective of pandemic preparedness? A COVID-19 reality check. International journal of disaster risk reduction, 77, 103074.

Kitti, P. M., Anttonen, A. M., Leskelä, R-L., & Saarto, T. (2022). End-of-life care of patients with esophageal or gastric cancer: decision making and the goal of care. Acta Oncologica, 61(10), 1173-1178.

Leskelä, R-L., Peltonen, E., Haavisto, I., Herse, F., Korhonen, S., Nolvi, K., Käkelä, S., Autere, A-M., Tiainen, S., Silvoniemi, M., Junnila, E-L., Ahvonen, J., Knuuttila, A., & Koivunen, J. (2022). Trends in treatment of non-small cell lung cancer in Finland 2014-2019. Acta Oncologica, 61(5), 641-648.

Mattila, T., Erhola, M., Vasankari, T., Toppila-Salmi, S., Herse, F., Leskelä, R-L., Jormanainen, V., Lammi, A., & Haahtela, T. (2022). Controlling chronic respiratory diseases in Finland from 1996 to 2018. The European respiratory journal, 60(1), 2200318.

Mattila, T., Hasala, H., Kreivi, H-R., Avellan-Hietanen, H., Bachour, A., Herse, F., Leskelä, R-L., Toppila-Salmi, S., Erhola, M., Haahtela, T., & Vasankari, T. (2022). Changes in the societal burden caused by sleep apnoea in Finland from 1996 to 2018: A national registry study. Lancet regional health.Europe, 16, Article 100338.

Miinalainen, S., Rissanen, A., Leskelä, R-L., Saarto, T., Hirvonen, O., & Anttonen, A. (2022). Effect of Palliative Care Decision on Use of Hospital Services in Pancreatic Cancer Patients: A Retrospective Study. Anticancer Research, 42(11), 5457-5463.

Nuutinen, M., Haavisto, I., Niemi, A. J., Rissanen, A., Ikivuo, M., & Leskelä, R-L. (2022). Statistical model for factors correlating with COVID-19 deaths. International journal of disaster risk reduction, 82, 103333.

Pettini, G., Sanchini, V., Pat-Horenczyk, R., Sousa, B., Masiero, M., Marzorati, C., Galimberti, V. E., Munzone, E., Mattson, J., Vehmanen, L., Utriainen, M., Roziner, I., Lemos, R., Frasquilho, D., Cardoso, F., Oliveira-Maia, A. J., Kolokotroni, E., Stamatakos, G., Leskelä, R-L., Haavisto, I., Salonen, J., Richter, R., Karademas, E., Poikonen-Saksela, P. & Mazzocco, K. (2022). Predicting Effective Adaptation to Breast Cancer to Help Women BOUNCE Back: Protocol for a Multicenter Clinical Pilot Study. JMIR Research Protocols, 11(10), 34564.

Sarker, S., Kovacs, G., Sirenko, M., Haavisto, I., Cremers, L., Farrell , T., Janssen , C., Burel , G., Trzeciak , G., & Radecka , A. (2022). D5.5 –Dedicated training for end users.

Torkki, P., Leskelä, R-L., Bugge, C., Torfadottir, J. E., & Karjalainen, S. (2022). Cancer-related costs should be allocated in a comparable way-benchmarking costs of cancer in Nordic countries 2012-2017. Acta Oncologica, 61(10), 1216-1222.


Chen, A., Väyrynen, K., Leskelä, R-L., Heinonen, S., Lillrank, P., Tekay, A., & Torkki, P. (2021). A qualitative study on professionals’ attitudes and views towards the introduction of patient reported measures into public maternity care pathway. BMC Health Services Research, 21(1), Article 645.

Nuutinen, M., Korhonen, S., Hiltunen, A-M., Haavisto, I., Poikonen-Saksela, P., Mattson, J., Kondylakis, H., Mazzocco, K., Pat-Horenczyk, R., Sousa, B., & Leskelä, R-L. (2021). Impact of Machine Learning Assistance on the Quality of Life Prediction for Breast Cancer Patients. In N. Bier, A. Fred, & H. Gamboa (Eds.), HEALTHINF: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 15TH INTERNATIONAL JOINT CONFERENCE ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES – VOL 5: HEALTHINF. SCITEPRESS Science And Technology Publications . p. 344-352.

Pitkänen, L. J., Leskelä, R-L., Tolkki, H., & Torkki, P. (2021). A Value-Based Steering Model for Healthcare. Frontiers in health services, 1, 709271.


Hirvonen, O. M., Leskelä, R-L., Grönholm, L., Haltia, O., Voltti, S., Tyynelä-Korhonen, K., Rahko, E. K., Lehto, J. T., & Saarto, T. (2020). The impact of the duration of the palliative care period on cancer patients with regard to the use of hospital services and the place of death: a retrospective cohort study. Bmc Palliative Care, 19(1), 37.

Jääskeläinen, A., Sillanpää, V., Helander, N., Leskelä, R-L., Haavisto, I., Laasonen, V., & Torkki, P. (2022). Designing a maturity model for analyzing information and knowledge management in the public sector. VINE journal of information and knowledge management systems, 52(1), 120-140.

Leskelä, R-L., Torvinen, A., Rissanen, T. T., Virtanen, V., Herse, F., Nuutinen, M., Mustonen, J., & Laatikainen, T. (2020). Outcomes of lipid control in secondary prevention of coronary artery disease in Finland: A 24-month follow-up after acute coronary syndrome. Atherosclerosis, 296, 4–10.


Hirvonen, O. M., Leskelä, R-L., Grönholm, L., Haltia, O., Rissanen, A., Tyynela-Korhonen, K., Rahko, E. K., Lehto, J. T., & Saarto, T. (2019). Assessing the utilization of the decision to implement a palliative goal for the treatment of cancer patients during the last year of life at Helsinki University Hospital: a historic cohort study. Acta Oncologica, 58(12), 1699-1705.

Nuutinen, M., Leskelä, R-L., Torkki, P., Suojalehto, E., Tirronen, A., & Komssi, V. (2019). Developing and validating models for predicting nursing home admission using only RAI-HC instrument data. Informatics for Health and Social Care, 45(3), 292-308.

Tuunanen, T., Kazan, E., Salo, M., Leskelä, R.-L., & Gupta, S. (2019). From digitalization to cybernization : Delivering value with cybernized services. Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems, 31(2), 83-96.

Earlier publications

Torkki, P., Leskelä, R-L., Linna, M., Mäklin, S., Mecklin, J. P., Bono, P., Kataja, V., & Karjalainen, S. (2018). Cancer costs and outcomes for common cancer sites in the Finnish population between 2009-2014. Acta oncologica (Stockholm, Sweden), 57(7), 983–988.

Lillrank, P., Leskelä, R-L., & Tolkki, O. (2017). Concept of a Hospital. In: V. K. Singh, & P. Lillrank (Ed.) Planning and Designing Healthcare Facilities. Lean, Innovative, and Evidence-Based Approach. CRC Press. p. 11-30

Haahtela, T., Herse, F., Karjalainen, J., Klaukka, T., Linna, M., Leskelä, R-L., Selroos, O., & Reissell, E. (2017). The Finnish experience to save asthma costs by improving care in 1987-2013. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 139(2), 408-414.

Nuutinen, M., Leskelä, R-L., Suojalehto, E., Tirronen, A., & Komssi, V. (2017). Development and validation of classifiers and variable subsets for predicting nursing home admission. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 2017(17), Article 39 (2017).

Leskelä R-L., Herse F., Torkki P., Laine J., Vilkuna T. & Raatikainen T. (2016). Analysis of the adoption of new health technology: The case of Dupuytren’s disease. Int J Healthcare Tech and Management, 15(3), 210–27.

Ervasti, V., & Leskelä, R-L. (2010). Allocative efficiency in simulated multiple-unit combinatorial auctions with quantity support. European Journal of Operational Research, 203(1), 251-260.

Köksalan M., Leskelä R-L., Wallenius H. & Wallenius J. (2009). Improving Efficiency in Multiple-Unit Combinatorial Auctions: Bundling Bids from Multiple Bidders. Decision Support Systems, 48(1), 103–111. (IF 2,06, JUFO 2)

Leskelä, R-L., Teich, J., Wallenius, H., & Wallenius, J. (2007). Decision support for multi-unit combinatorial bundle auctions. Decision Support Systems, 43(2), 420-434.

Autio E., Leskelä R-L. (2001). Research and Technological Development: A closer Look. In: Reynolds, P.D.; Camp MS, Bygrave WD, Autio E, Hay M (Ed.) Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2001 Executive Report. Kansas City: Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, p. 28-30.