A unique national stroke patient pathway pilot puts patients at the centre and tries out various incentives to make the pathway better.
The Estonian Health Insurance Fund (EHIF) took a big leap towards value-based healthcare as they started a national stroke patient pathway pilot involving 4 out of 6 hospitals in Estonia providing acute stroke care. How did this project get started? What has been successful so far? And most important, what are the lessons learned? We asked EHIF’s Head of Specialist Care Department Tiina Sats, Innovation Lead Kitty Kubo, and Project Manager Rõõt Palmiste.
“The goal of the Stroke Patient Pathway Pilot is to improve patients’ quality of life through developing a more integrated care pathway from the patient’s view. The Pilot contains three major parts – various development projects that four hospitals are leading, for the first time we are starting to measure patient-reported outcomes, and testing a new, bundled payment model for the whole stroke care pathway.” – commented Maivi Parv, Member of Management Board, EHIF in a press release on the 21st of August.
How did you get the idea for this pilot? Why was ischemic stroke chosen?
Read the first blog post on the project on the ICHOM & NHG blog.