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Magnus Gink appointed Country CEO for NHG Sweden AB

We are pleased to announce that Magnus Gink has been appointed Country CEO for NHG Sweden AB. Welcome to Nordic Healthcare Group’s team Magnus!

Magnus Gink, LLM, MBA, is an experienced professional with a versatile background in the life-science sector. Previously, he has been Director, Life Science at PwC Sweden, Executive Director at Ernst & Young Nordics and Partner, Healthcare Transformation Services at Philips Healthcare.

Additionally, he spent 10 years in the US, leading the Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce’s consulting department, as President at Result Ventures – an accelerator / incubator strategy firm focused on delivering internationalization strategies – and as Director, Corporate Finance at StoneWall Partners – where he delivered services such as strategy, DD, M&A advisory, fund raising and analysis, primarily to the life science sector.

Before joining NHG, Gink advised green tech company CirChem AB in their IPO at Nasdaq First North Growth Market and he will continue his official role as CirChem’s advisor in the future as well.

“I got acquainted with NHG already several years ago when I worked for Philips Healthcare and was impressed by the quality of their work.  Today, NHG is the largest player in the Nordic market as an expert organisation with focus purely on life-sciences. I feel that NHG’s offering is unique and the value proposition strong and will benefit the life-science sector in Sweden through Nordic cooperation. In healthcare, we need for example to be able to benchmark data between different countries and in this regard Finland and Denmark are good peer groups for Sweden since the healthcare system in the Nordic countries is similar and the data is reliable.”  Magnus Gink, CEO at NHG Sweden commented.

“We are lucky to have Magnus on our team. His strong background in healthcare management, life-science consulting and medtech supports our strategy to build NHG operations in Sweden as well as to meet growth targets in Nordic countries. Välkommen till NHG familjen Magnus!” Vesa Kämäräinen, Group CEO at Nordic Healthcare Group commented.

Magnus Gink