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Internationally recognised health and social care leadership expert Alex Knight in Finland

Appreciated social and health care leadership expert Alex Knight (UK) is coming to Finland. Knight presents his innovative approach, which has helped health and social care organisations around the world to improve the accessibility of services, quality, safety, and productivity, in a short time.

Knight’s solution has been implemented with fast results in over 50 units in several countries, such as the UK, the Unites States, Canada and the Netherlands. The organisations include top university hospitals as well as medium sized and smaller regional hospitals and outpatient service units, i.e. Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Centre Harvard, Utah Mental Health State Hospital and St Maartenskliniek.

Alex Knight speaks at a guest seminar organised by Nordic Healthcare Group for health and social care management on January, 23rd in Helsinki. The seminar discusses, with the help of practical experience and real examples, how operations should be changed, why, and how this is done. Further, the applicability of the approach in Finland is discussed, as well as if this could be the solution to raise the effectiveness and productivity of health and social care services to the next level.

Examples on results: Treatment period for rehabilitation and mental health became 15-30% shorter

A hospital specialised in rehabilitation and mental health treatment succeeded to shorten their waiting list from 18 months to zero without adding any resources. The queue shortened first to 30 day in 4 months, and then, to 5 days in 8 months. In several other acute hospitals, the treatment periods duration is verified to have shortened up to 15%.

Alex Knight’s approach in a nut shell is based on…

…focusing on development: surprisingly few factors have 90% effect on performance. How do you define these factors and seize them?

…synchronising patient flows, which decreases unnecessary load caused by the health and social care system itself. Thus, fast results can be achieved without adding any resources. A world-famous top hospital noticed, that 40% of the delay caused in patients’ discharge, had in 40% of the cases other the clinically justified reasons.

Alex Knight has written about his approach in his book Pride and Joy. Behind the fictive story is a lot of practical experience.

Read more about Alex Knight.


Further information:

Johan Groop, Senior Partner, Nordic Healthcare Group (NHG) / +358 50 358 1610