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Systematic and validated QoL measurements impacts patient well-being business and society


Life science companies are in the midst of a transformation. There is a growing need to demonstrate the benefits and value of the products and services in ways that enhance patient well-being and show the societal impact in the real world. This in turn creates the need to incorporate patient-centricity throughout the products’ life cycles – from R&D to maintenance.


Nordic Healthcare Group has a structured patient experience mapping process tailored specifically to life science companies. Our solution collects, analyzes, validates, prioritizes, and quantifies QoL insights and experiences at the local, Nordic, European, and global levels.  

Patient journey and experience mapping is an excellent method of gaining key insights regarding such issues as the disease burden in clinical trials, the challenges of the new therapeutic areas, and engaging with key stakeholders from healthcare professionals to patient organizations. It also builds meaningful QoL measurements for specific patient groups, and valuable public-private partnerships around the patient, while providing a clear understanding of the scale of activities required before a new product enters the market.


NHG has helped dozens of life science companies to holistically understand all aspects of the patient journey, including disease burden, treatment barriers, pain points, and opportunities. Through this process, NHG has helped develop innovative services and solutions that enhance the patient experience in meaningful ways.