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Accelerating Patient Access Through Value-Based Healthcare: The Power of Outcomes Data Collection Partnerships Between Life Science Companies and Healthcare Providers

Value-Based Healthcare (VBHC) is redefining the relationship between the life sciences industry and healthcare providers. A collaborative approach aligns all stakeholders around the shared goal of enhancing patient outcomes, offering a transformative model for healthcare delivery.

The Imperative of Outcomes Data Collection

In today’s healthcare landscape, demonstrating the real-world effectiveness of therapies is more important than ever. The increasing demand for evidence-based care has made outcomes data collection a critical component of market access and reimbursement strategies. By collaborating with healthcare providers, the life sciences industry can generate the necessary data to validate treatment benefits, support regulatory submissions, and optimize care pathways.

Benefits of Outcomes Data Collection Partnerships

  1. Real-World Evidence Generation: Outcomes data provide a clear picture of how therapies perform in diverse patient populations, beyond the controlled environment of clinical trials. This data is essential for meeting the growing post-launch evidence requirements from health authorities and payers, ensuring that new treatments demonstrate sustained value. In contrast to typical registry studies, outcomes collection partnerships provide data that is real-time and covers in-depth data needs of evidence generation for the industry.
  2. Enhancing Patient-Centered Care: Patient-reported outcomes (PROs) and clinical data from real-world settings enable healthcare providers to refine their treatment approaches based on patient experiences and clinical outcomes. This personalized care model ensures that therapies are not only clinically effective but also aligned with patient needs and preferences.
  3. Best Practice Identification and Knowledge Sharing: Collaborative data collection fosters an environment of continuous improvement. By analyzing outcomes data across multiple sites and regions, healthcare providers and the industry can identify best practices, standardize successful interventions, and disseminate this knowledge to optimize patient care globally.
  4. Supporting Reimbursement and Market Access: In many markets, reimbursement is increasingly linked to the value delivered rather than the volume of services provided. Outcomes data are instrumental in demonstrating the cost-effectiveness and clinical benefits of therapies, strengthening the case for payer support, and broadening patient access.
  5. Accelerating Innovation: Real-world data can uncover new insights that drive innovation in treatment approaches and care models. This continuous feedback loop between data collection and care delivery accelerates the adoption of new therapies and improvements in healthcare systems.

Overcoming Barriers to Effective Data Collection

While the benefits of outcomes data collection are clear, there are challenges to establishing effective partnerships between the life sciences industry and healthcare providers. Key obstacles include data privacy concerns, lack of standardized outcome measures, and the need for investment in digital infrastructure to support data collection and analysis. Successful partnerships require a commitment to transparent communication, equitable investment from all parties, and adherence to ethical data governance practices. Nordic Healthcare Group has extensive experience from supporting partnerships between life science and healthcare providers. Typically, the partnership benefits from third party support that understands the needs of both partners.

The Path Forward: Building Sustainable Value-Based Partnerships

To fully realize the potential of VBHC, the life sciences industry and healthcare providers must continue to build robust, outcomes-focused partnerships. This requires a clear, shared vision for patient value, investment in technology to support data collection, and a commitment to continuous learning and adaptation. By working together, these stakeholders can not only improve patient outcomes but also contribute to a more sustainable, patient-centered healthcare system.


Outcomes data collection in partnerships between the life sciences industry and healthcare providers is a powerful tool to accelerate patient access to innovative treatments. These collaborations create a virtuous cycle of evidence generation, care improvement, and innovation, ultimately transforming healthcare delivery and making a meaningful difference in patients’ lives. As VBHC continues to evolve, the focus on outcomes will be essential to achieving high-quality, accessible, and sustainable healthcare worldwide.

Vesa Komssi, Executive Vice President, Nordic Healthcare Group

Nordic Healthcare Group (NHG) is an ICHOM implementation partner. We support organizations in value-based healthcare implementations from vision and strategy to data collection, dashboard visualizations, benchmarking and continuous improvement. We have extensive experience in supporting outcomes measurement in partnership between life science companies and healthcare providers.