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Process optimization at Capio St. Görans Sjukhus

When NHG (prev. Precuris) was working on parallel construction and refurbishment projects at Capio St. Göran Hospital, it became clear that a new purchasing system was needed. The system was designed for the operation’s everyday purchasing flows, rather than the thousands of orders that many major construction projects entail. The project started in 2019.

In the first stage, NHG (prev. Precuris) analyzed the purchasing process and compiled all purchases in an Excel file, which then became a database. This established a cost-effective product database that enabled continuous monitoring of purchases in relation to budget. The more products and prices that were entered, the smarter the database became. It became clear and simple to filter out what was important and what was not.

The next stage was to update the purchasing system. In a meeting with the system developers, NHG (prev. Precuris) suggested new functions that could be implemented without impacting on day-to-day use of the system. Once the functions were in place, the client had an optimized purchasing process in the existing system, all using very few resources.

NHG (prev. Precuris) was also responsible for the incoming deliveries area. With many different suppliers and many daily deliveries, logistics was a challenge. To avoid congestion in incoming deliveries, NHG (prev. Precuris) prepared a delivery plan, assigning each carrier a unique daily interval when they could make deliveries. This also made life easier for the project team.

The project in figures
  • 29 200 m² Construction
  • 96 New hospital beds
  • 10 000 m² Refurbishment
  • 6000 New patient capacity per year