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New sterile service department in Hässleholm Sjukhus

One of our sub-projects within the new construction project is managing procurements, as well as finding suppliers of medical equipment for the new sterile service department. NHG (prev. Precuris) have managed different parts or phases of procurements previously, but with this project our responsibilities reach from start to finish for the very first time.

Our mission in this project is to create a foundation and set requirements for the procurements, evaluate candidates and present the chosen candidates to the Hospital Services. After the suppliers have been chosen, NHG (prev. Precuris) will act as a support during the detailed project planning and the retail supply chain to ensure that the equipment is implemented in the best possible way.

 “No two sterile service departments are alike, and that’s why it’s incredibly important to understand their needs and flow. Our experiences in medical care in general, and in sterile services and medical equipment especially, will ease this project and improve the final result. We understand this chain from start to finish”, said Preben Andreassen.

Project digits

  • 23 000 m² Construction
  • 6 Operating theaters
  • 28 Examination rooms
  • 287,8 Estimated project cost, Phase 1-3, in MSEK