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Hospital extension at Capio St. Göran Hospital

When Capio St. Göran Hospital decided to extend their premises and adapt their facilities for the healthcare of the future, they contacted us. The goal was for the extension to result in an additional 29.000 square meters, 96 new hospital beds, new operating theatres and a sterile central, among other things. Project started 2018.

Our mission in this project was to work together with Capio’s Service and Logistics department and manage both the construction and the commissioning – making sure all the different processes run smoothly and ensuring the co-ordination. With years of experience within the hospital environment, we were able to help them recreate their work procedures to match the modern and efficient institution they were aiming for. We upgraded their management systems, purchasing processes, MT and IT co-ordination and organizational development, as well as economy and budgeting. Our goal is for New St. Göran Hospital to become an inspiration to other institutions, aiming for the future.

What we did

  • Managing the construction and the commissioning
  • Ensuring that the processes and co-ordination run smoothly
  • Recreating their work procedures
  • Upgraded their management systems
  • Upgraded their purchasing processes
  • Upgraded their MT and IT co-ordination
  • Upgraded their organizational development
  • Economy and budgeting
  • Follow-ups and improvements


Our numbers
  • 6000 New admissions per year
  • 96 New care beds
  • 29 200 m² New construction
  • 10 000 m² Rebuild